Many are the legends In Friuli that are passed down. Mystery has always been part of Friuli’s charm since ancient times. The legacy of countless peoples, languages and traditions that all have in common a deep respect for Mother Earth and all her gifts.

The Aganas
Aganas (Lis Aganis in Friulian) are part of this memory. These river spirits often take on the form of young women Legend has it that they are protectors of fishermen and farmers.
One legend tells of a woman who, moved by compassion, found herself helping a giant salamander give birth The salamander was actually an agana and turned into a beautiful maiden. As a token of gratitude she gave the woman a ball of wool. She used the wool to make sweaters and socks for all the family. The ball however never ended and began to be passed around the family. The ball of wool that never runs out simply signifies knowledge passed down over time through the generations.